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Everything Everywhere podcast

Photo by Everything Everywhere

Already posted on my previous post one of the episode, currently i have been listening to quite variety of history podcast, and one of it is Everything Everywhere, a short bite of history, not too long, not too short either, and the content is not only history, but facts, general knowledge etc.

The podcast episode is just right, the host Gary Arndt, took the listeners back to history, how things become a thing, how things made, who made those things, wars, dictators, geography, it tells almost everything history.

I was hooked at first when i found out and listened to the history of Pakistan and India partitions, after that, listened to other episodes like knight templar, the history of chocolate, Mayan civilization, Galapagos island or about a person like Khalid bin walid or Queen Cleopatra.

Subscribe to the podcast via Pocket cast, Apple podcast, Spotify, or visit the site.

Tags: episodes, history, review, channel